“Look how weird I drew this dragon. Will you hang it up?” –
“I like being called weird.” – Neela
“This food tastes weird. That means I like it.” – Titus
“Daddy, you got a weird neck. I love to squish it. It's my favorite.” – Olive
Being weird gets a bad rap in our society. While I don’t
view it as derogatory for people to try to be normal, I just think everyone has
some stuff about them that’s 100% unique. It’s so sad when people choose not to
embrace it. In the Megow house, being “weird” is viewed as something we each
strive to achieve. Not to just be weird for weird’s sake, but for each of us to
be 100% ourselves. As a parent and a former “weird kid”, it’s so interesting
seeing and nurturing my kids’ own individualism. Mostly, I just want to foster
a safe place in our home for my kids to be completely themselves. I think one
of my main goals is to really, highlight and compliment little things that are
uniquely them.
I’m a big believer in the concept of nature vs nuture. Some
skills and attributes can be learned or taught; however others are just kinda
engrained in our DNA. I like to think every family tree has their own special
mini superpower. Whether it is athleticism, organizational skills, musical
talent, charm, drive for success, or any multitude of various intelligences, I
believe everyone is born with something that just runs in their gene pool. The
other day I randomly realized what the Megow family engrained mini superpower
was. We are almost all impervious to peer pressure. I’m dead serious. Megows
just kind of do whatever the heck they want and really don’t pay much mind to
fitting any sort of social mold. If you know my family, I believe you will
immediately recognize this. My parents are completely themselves. As I lovingly explained earlier, they are
pretty weird. Tom and Denise just do their own things. My dad wore wooden clog
shoes as a nurse anesthetist in the hospital for decades without really caring
whatever anyone would think. Just because he liked them. Then transitioned careers to start a local food
bank. That career move was a significant decrease in pay. I’m sure he could
have measured his career by his peers or people that voiced their strong
opposition to his decision. But he just did what he felt led to do. And well my mom… I have literally never met a
person who is so hard to explain with words as Denise Megow. I talk about her
(or do my impression of her… which she loves. hahaha) quite frequently with my
friends. I love trying to explain her larger than life personality mixed with a
quirky artistic flair and a gentleness that can be reserved at times, but it
still very evident when it needs to be. She could not care less about whatever
you think about her. She is not influenced by your opinion or thoughts on her
decision. I freaking love that about both of my parents. They embrace their weirdness.
Tom: "Hey Honey. What should we do for this year’s Christmas
Card photo?”
Denise: “I have a good idea. Let’s all go in the goat yard
and just kinda see what unfolds on film.”
Megow Holiday Picture Circa 1996
So moving on from parents to me and my crew, I absolutely
love the idea of my kids not giving a rip about what other people think. True;
there are social norms, common courtesy, and a moral code to uphold, but I’m
talking about them just being themselves. If they choose to be interested,
dress, act, more mainstream, I’m completely cool with that as well. Mostly, I
just want them to be the truest version of themselves. I kinda view it like
dancing in public. How many of us dance around the house or in the car
listening to music? But when the same song comes on at a wedding reception or social
event, we just stand there and stare at the one “weird person” cutting a rug on
the dance floor. My goal is for my kids to always be that “weird person”. Just
completely void of peer pressure to live life the way they want.
Seth. Keepin' it classy.
Now, I’m not saying weird people are the best (but we
secretly are right? *wink* ) I just wanted to express how much I love when
people are truly themselves whatever that may look like. My kids love to wear their
clothes on backwards and inside out. They think it’s so fashionable. Do I let
them go everywhere like that? No. But when
we go to the park or go out to eat, I let my kids wear whatever the heck they
want. When we go to the park, if they want to crawl around on all fours like
baby cats and pretend to hawk up hairballs by the swings then I say, freaking
go for it. Why not?
I don’t know if it’s my complete lack of influence to peer
pressure or if it’s a single dad thing, but I’ve kinda just given on up making my clan fit into a mold of society. Of course, I train them that
there are times to conform a little (don’t give your friends cat baths at school
or you can’t wear inside-out bathing suit trucks with a tuxedo shirt to church,
etc.) However for the most part, if my kids want to do, eat, wear, or act a
certain way that’s not inappropriate or disrupting I’m pretty cool with it. I
view my responsibility as a parent to be a role model for kindness, love, hard
work, integrity, and encouragement. Like I said earlier I still teach them
social norms, right & wrong, and appropriate behavior, but besides that I
love my kids being themselves, in whatever way that might look.
Seth: "Ok guys. No school today, so you get to come to work with dad,
and you can wear whatever you want."
Who knows if my kids will decide
to go full weird? Maybe they will choose to be like their dad and decide to
wear only polyester disco shirts their entire eighth grade year of school. Or
maybe not. Mostly, I just want them to comfortable expressing however they choose to be. And one day when
they do get called “weird” to be able to confidently look at the person, smile,
and say “Thanks. You’ve made my day.” And they just continue on their way…
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,