Sunday, December 6, 2015

80s Dating Video

The other night the kids and I went over to the my friends Zach and Emily's house for a Megow/Parker family sleepover. These are always fun. The kids have a blast and when they go down Zach, Emily, and I always do some weird random thing for fun.

However last night, we were a bit tired and just kind of hung out and looked on YouTube for funny videos. We happened to stumble across this 80's dating video and I have to say the men in this video look shockingly like me and Zach. It's probably the best thing in the whole wide world.

I think everyone will enjoy it. Side note, that Nascar guy seems like a major stud muffin ;)

I will be posting more about the awesomely cool Parkers in my next post :)

Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

  1. videomate, haha, bery funny video, thanks, check out my ideas for a cheap date, you can have love and spend a little ammount of money!enjoy
